2006: Some experiences at schools

I was so thrilled to hear from one of the volunteers of the Abstinence Program about their experiences in a public school where they are giving the abstinence presentations to teens.  Please let me share what one of the volunteers wrote...
"His name is Merlin.  Since he is just starting to give the abstinence presentations and he doesn't have much experience leading with teens, however he has encouraged us all as we see his commitment in the ministry.
I was so amazed to see a huge smile at his face as we were taking a break at the school.  We were getting ready to start our next class, but I couldn't help but ask, "what's up Merlin?"  Soon, I realized I was not the only curious one.  All the abstinence team was waiting for his comment. 
He said, "I preached the gospel to my class today and almost all received Christ in their hearts" woooh! Now his smile makes sense.  By then we all were joyful as he encouraged us to use any opportunity to share the gospel.  As we all were going to our next class, someone said "I am going to preach in my class also".
What a great surprise to meet together again and share our experiences.  This time in a class the ones that decided to start a new life in Christ were not just all the students, but also the teacher!
On that day, as we were going back home, we had to thank God for almost 70 new believers"
The abstinence program is an eight week session where it cover topics such as pregnancy, STD's, dating issues, emotional consequences between others.  Center for Life is preparing leaders from churches in Santa Cruz to take this program to their churches and communities and also a group of volunteers is giving presentations at schools. 

Picture:  Kids at the break in the school where this ministry story takes place. 

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